Let God Be True & Question You!

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Pro Purpose

It is clearly permissible for impregnation due to rape to result in abortions, and perhaps even understandable without God. Human souls are not satisfied by this act, but open wounds thrive by them. The soul that longs to feel secure and of value in a moment was made to feel insecure, afraid, unprotected, and cheap, of little importance and worth. Imbittered and ashamed, these inward warrings are then applied to the unborn as if they were a sacrifice for sin or worst a retaliation. Under the guise of “I just want to have my life back.”

In the absence of God's grace, the best one can do is think of their unborn as they think of themselves. As a result of unfortunate circumstances, they may now feel they have little value or are of no significance, and so they regard their unborn child. Yet, I think that the worst thing anyone can do is see their unborn as a hindrance or a curse.

To remain silent on an issue involving the abortion of millions worldwide, who were once alive, shows far more insensitivity than I can unintentionally convey here. As long as man views life as purely biological, the following statement will amount to the rantings of an opinionated religious zealot who seeks to assert the purposes of the Almighty, rather than relying on the experience and understanding of mankind as a species and our newly discovered ability to choose whether or not to produce. Is there any purpose man can devise for himself that will last to the end of his days, of which he does not know the number? If to not pursue the purposes of God is to pursue death then the answer is yes.

Are you Tamar? A woman left in her widowhood never having borne a child? Like Tamar, did you then decide to play the harlot by dressing up as a prostitute and sleeping with your father-in-law? Were you then impregnated by him? (See, Gen. 38). Or perhaps you have felt more like Beersheba? Desired by a man in authority, it did not matter that you were married. He took you, impregnated you, then sent you back home in hopes of covering it up as if he did nothing. When he could not cover it up, he had your husband killed and took you for himself. You suffered the loss of the child by the hand of God, and now you are pregnant with another by the same man who took you from your first husband. (See, 2Sam 11).


There is also Naomi and Rahab (Ruth 1:4,10-12; Joshua 2i:1; 6:22-23). All of these women have something in common, regardless of their backgrounds, past pains, or past sins, God would continue the lineage to the Messiah Jesus through them. By the grace of God, their existence paved the way for the Messiah. It did not matter to God what the world would think about how these children came to be or who they came from, God redeemed them for His purposes. God can do the same with you and your unborn.

The Bible mentions at the trial of Jesus that a Roman governor offered to release a prisoner of their choice to appease the Jews. The Jews had to choose between two prisoners on the day he went to do this: Barabbas, who was a well-known prisoner, and Jesus, who was innocent but falsely accused. They chose Barabbas. In today's world, some go to great lengths to bury, minimize, or dismiss the truth about the crimes of men, women, and children. Moreover, in our world today, scores of people knowingly and unknowingly vote to elect dishonorable men and women to office. Even today, we make life-altering decisions on behalf of another person to preserve our desired quality of life. These things are done in secret, in public, and in private. Like those who screamed at Pilate, the Roman governor, when asked, ‘Which would you like me to release to you?’ We confidently scream ‘the one that we can most identify with, release what we are used to, and what we can expect. Release me! In turn, destroy the uncertain, unpredictable, unfamiliar innocence.

In the death of Jesus His Son, in the incarnation of Christ, and in His resurrection, the Father's purposes were fulfilled. In the same way, God has a purpose for you, for all of you, and not just part of you. Some of His purposes, even perhaps the greatest ones for His glory, are waiting to come to fruition within you. Let God be True! True to His purposes, and may we question our own.